2023 Theme: "Courage to Rise Above"
In some parts of the world, choosing to follow Christ can be dangerous, and even life-threatening. Carrying the name "Christian" can lead to physical harm, loss of livelihood, arrest or even death.
Persecuted believers who have been forcibly displaced from their homes live with the added burden of being isolated and cut off from friends and family.
Today, more than 260 million Christians are suffering and persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.
Our different circumstances and our geographical location can leave us feeling separated and unsure of how to help. The Canadian International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) provides a practical way stand with those who have lost so much.
Sunday, November 5 has been identified as "IDOP Sunday" this year. Free, downloadable resources will be available for your church or small group beginning of September.
Read more: International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Refugee Rights Day is celebrated each year in Canada on April 4th. It is an opportunity to bring attention to the advances made in the protection of refugee rights in Canada as a result of the Singh Decision. Refugee Rights Day is also a time to learn about the threats to those rights.
You can get more information about the Supreme Court's 1985 Singh decision, and the importance of that decision today, along with other practical resources to assist you in promoting Refugee Rights Day in your community.
World Refugee Sunday is held annually - typically on the Sundays before and after June 20 (World Refugee Day) to:
- corporately remember the needs of refugees,
- to participate together in prayer for refugees & displaced people,
- to respond in practical ways to both ease the burden of those who have been displaced,
- to spread the word among our peers to get involved and
- be inspired to offer hospitality and hope to refugees.